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Welcome! Who is Meredith anyway?


I'm the founder of this site, and a lifelong armchair philosopher, student and teacher

I've had an almost inconceivable range of different jobs before, during and after college. None of that is who I am, of course, and my job title and credentials (or lack thereof) don't create my identity. Who I am through others' eyes (friend, daughter, mother, coworker, partner, etc), what I do in my spare time or contribute to the world, are all pieces of the puzzle, but who we are and who we become does evolve continually throughout our lives. I've had many stumbles and falls, I believe that our struggles are often purposeful, perhaps partially because I've learned a lot the hard way and grown in big ways as a result of them.


I'm passionate about getting out in nature as much as possible and moving my body via hiking, biking, running or walking. I enjoy creating beauty by buying and renovating real estate to its potential. I'm enthusiastic about doing what I can to give back to the world whether it's creating sustainable practices to help the environment or educating young people to positively impact the trajectory of their lives and society in the future. I love spending time with friends and family. I appreciate seeing the world through my children's eyes as they have so much to teach us adults and I enjoy travel when feasible.


This site is about sharing that journey, perspective, insights and ideas to help others figure out their path, their passion, what they value and who they really are. I welcome input, constructive dialogue and perspective from others as well and hope you find your time here to be thought provoking and well spent.


Speaking & Media

For interviews on general, spiritual, philosophical, environmental or other topics, use the link below to contact me and I'll follow up as soon as is feasible.


​Interview requests on financial industry, financial advice or Life Events topics need to be directed through my primary employer

Consultations and workshops

Under construction. 1:1 coaching and consulting resources to come...

Let’s Get in Touch

Thanks for submitting!

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